Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Two weeks until official start of marathon training

The FIRST marathon training plan is 16 weeks, so I officially start training in two weeks.  There is a novice plan and experienced plan, and I really wish there was something in between.  My first two marathons I followed the novice plan.  I think it was perfect for my first marathon (the Twin Cities Marathon).  Starts out week one with an 8-mile long run, has only one 20-miler, and one 18-miler.  I followed it again last year for the Spinx Marathon, and honestly I think I needed more long runs.  I think one 20-miler wasn't mentally enough for me.  My two marathons were vastly different, so that might have played a part too.  The Twin Cities Marathon was exciting, full of crowd support, I had tons of family members all along the course, and I always had other runners near me.  Spinx was local, smaller race, run on the same course I did all my training on, and there were multiple spots on the course where I couldn't see anyone in front of me or behind me.

So this time around I looked at the non-novice FIRST plan.  Instead of one 20-mile training run, it has FIVE!  I think that is probably too many for me, but since one didn't feel like enough, I'm considering improvising the plan and doing three 20-mile runs.  This plan also starts with a 13-miler, as opposed to 8.  Definitely more aggressive, but still the 3 quality runs per week, which is perfect for me.

Until my training officially starts I am just trying to keep up my endurance and do a variety of workouts.  I had to be in Clemson early yesterday so I got up with a friend and we did hill repeats in the neighborhood.

When we want a flat, easy run we hate the hills where we live. They come in handy when we need to do hill workouts though!

We stopped for water before our recovery run and ended up bringing this guy with us.  He was so happy!

Taking a rest day today, unless it cools off tonight and I decide to go with Bill and do an easy run around the lake.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

I decided to start this blog because as much as I love to talk about sprints, Garmins, tempo runs, races, hill repeats, and everything else related to running, I realize that most people in my life don't. When I talk too much about running Bill gets that vacant look in his eyes and the kids leave the room. I'm hoping this blog will give me an outlet.

My official marathon training starts two weeks from tomorrow.  I will be running the Chicago Marathon on October 9th, and that will be my third marathon.  Like my other two marathons I will be following the FIRST training plan (FIRST), which includes three weekly runs: sprint interval runs on Tuesdays, tempo runs on Thursdays, and a long run on the weekend.  My goal is to cross train on the bike one day and the rowing machine one day. FIRST's paces are pretty challenging for me, especially the tempo run paces.  They will be based off of my most recent half marathon.

My goal for Chicago is to better my last marathon time of 4:48.  I think I have it it me as long as I can cope with the crowds.  I am a slow runner, but if I can shave time off each race I'm a happy runner.

I did not get up early this morning to run so ended up doing 10 miles in the heat and humidity.  I ran with my new flip belt water bottle(the small one) and didn't notice it in the belt at all.  I realize, however, that I really am going to need to invest in a hydration backpack since the majority of my long runs will be during the hot South Carolina summer and early fall.  A six or ten ounce water bottle will just not do the trick.

I have to be in Clemson tomorrow by 8:30 so my plan is to be up by 6 to do some hill repeats in the neighborhood.